
Registering with the surgery

Find out how to join the surgery.


View what clinics we offer.

Getting test results

Find out how to view or ask questions about your test results.

Changing your contact details

Update your name, address, phone numbers or email address.

Getting a fit (sick) note

Request a sick note if you've been sick for more than 7 days.


Refer yourself to a health service such as talking therapies without having to see a GP first.

In Times of Bereavement

In the unfortunate event that a person has passed away there are things that must be done within the first few days.


  • Get a medical certificate from your GP or hospital doctor (this is necessary to register the death)
  • Register the death within 5 days (8 days in Scotland). You will then receive the necessary documents for the funeral.
  • Make the necessary funeral arrangements.

Accessing someone else’s information (Proxy access)

As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.

Accessing your health record

Find out about the types of records and how to access them

Managing your health online (online services)

There are many things you can do online at our surgery.

Submit readings

Submit a reading to your GP if you have been requested to do so.


This guide can help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them. It also explains how they work and why they're safe and important. 

Travel Vaccinations

If you are travelling abroad please make sure you contact us in plenty of time to arrange any vaccinations that may be necessary. To help the Travel Nurses assess your travel needs it is important that they are in receipt of the assessment form before your appointment. Please be aware that we require at least 6 weeks notice before you travel to allow time for your vaccinations.

Weight Management Services

If you're overweight, losing weight has many health benefits. It might help reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Making small, simple changes to what and how much you are eating and drinking can really help you lose the pounds.

Opioid Reduction Clinics

At The Green House Surgery we take patient safety very seriously. We follow the latest advances in medical research and continually update and review our clinical practice to ensure patient care is of the highest standard.

Recent research has highlighted a significant risk to patient safety around the use of opioid type painkillers for chronic pain. We know that these drugs are helpful in pain of recent onset such as a broken bone and they are also effective in patients with cancer related pain.

However, recent medical evidence questions the benefit of opioid type painkillers for chronic (lasting more than a few months) pains. There is now better understanding of the risks, including:

- reduced fertility/sex drive/erectile dysfunction in men or irregular periods in women

- reduced ability to fight infection

- increased levels of pain

- dependence

- breathing issues (respiratory depression)

Therefore, we are starting to review those who are on long-term pain killers (including opiates) and we would like to support you to reduce the amount you take. It is important these medicines are not stopped suddenly which can cause withdrawal side effects so we will support you to reduce slowly over time.

If this is a service you are interested in accessing, please contact the practice and ask to be booked into our opioid reduction clinic.

Social Prescribing Service

Your doctor isn’t the only person who can help you feel better. You can improve your health and wellbeing through social prescription.


Healthwatch Publication - "I need to see a doctor"

Please click on link and access a recent Healthwatch Publication and discover how to make the most of services at your GP Practice.

Carers Support

If you're a carer please let us know as we may be able to help you.

Healthy living

NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.

Accessible Information Standards

The Accessible Information Standard is an NHS England initiative that aims to ensure that patients and their carers receive information they can understand and the communication support they may need.

Such formats could include large print, braille or easy-read documents.

If you require information in a different format/language, please inform a member of the team.

We will highlight your preference in your medical records for future reference, as a prompt to your healthcare professional. 

Upon registration with the practice, we will ask you if you have any specific requirements in this area.

Services near me

Find a NHS service near you.