Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing Service

Your doctor isn’t the only person who can help you feel better. You can improve your health and wellbeing through social prescription

Social Prescribing leaflet_A5_Redcar Coastal.pdf

  • If you wish to be referred to the Social Prescribing Service please contact the Surgery and our medical administrators will arrange this for you

Let's play at the Hullabaloo ...

 Programme running from 18 September - 23 October 2024

Let’s Play at The Hullabaloo is a socially prescribed sing and play programme by Theatre Hullabaloo that aims to improve parental confidence in play and communication with pre-school children, all of which contribute to better mental health outcomes for parents and better developmental outcomes for the very young. The programme is for parents / carers of children under 48 months.

Please contact our Medical Administrators at the Surgery who will arrange a referral ...

Let's Play Context and History.pdf

TH-LetsPlay - Place to Play - Skelton FINAL DIGITAL.pdf